Tag Archive for: development

Move detection when comparing XML files

DeltaXML introduces an enhanced move detection feature that provides a clearer insight of how your content has changed.

Introducing Character By Character Comparison

Find even the smallest differences in your documents with speed and precision with character by character comparison.

Effortlessly Manage Known Differences During Conversion Checks

Focus on unknown differences with DeltaXML’s new ignore change feature for ConversionQA.

Simplifying Your JSON Management Experience with DeltaJSON

DeltaJSON simplifies JSON data management with the introduction of an NPM package.

Introducing ConversionQA

ConversionQA is introduced as a solution to comparing content across different XML formats, addressing scenarios like content conversion and restructuring documents.

Mastering Table Comparison & Merging: What’s New in XML Merge 11.0.0

XML Merge (11.0.0) and DITA Merge (7.0.0) introduce an enhanced table comparison.

Enhanced SVG Comparison with XML Compare 14.1: Introducing Z-Index Change Highlighting, Animated Changes and more

Improved SVG comparison available.

Customer Voices, Product Success: Utilising Feedback for an Impactful Roadmap

DeltaXML harnesses customer feedback to enhance their XML and JSON comparison tools.

A New and Improved SVG Markup for DITA and DocBook Comparison

XML Compare 13 introduces further SVG comparison features, utilising XSLT to visually represent changes in SVG.

DocBook Compare, but not as you know it!

DeltaXML has released DocBook Compare 9.0, featuring a new REST API to meet customer demands for easier integration.

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