For customers of XML Compare, DITA Compare and DocBook Compare, these features will already be available to you. Update to the latest version and within the API configuration settings set the setCharacterByCharacterEnabled
parameter to true.
If you want to take advantage of using character by character comparison within certain sections but not the whole document, make sure the parameter is set to true in the API settings, add an attribute to the root node, setting characterByCharacter
to false and set an attribute of characterByCharacter
to true on the element where you would like the condition to apply. And as always, you can create your own rules on when characterByCharacter
should be automatically applied with the power of XSLT pipelines.
Our documentation provides you with everything you need to get up to date with this new feature.
For those new to DeltaXML, you can trial our products today, take advantage of our free samples and have a play with finding those small, but significant, differences in no time.
For any questions, or if you’d prefer a demo, don’t hesitate to get in touch.