DeltaXML For Data

Powerful comparison and merging of XML and JSON datasets

Identifying and managing changes or edits in datasets need not be laborious or costly, even when they are essential for compliance, quality or product safety.

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Helping to keep datasets up-to-date

When you need to identify changes or recombine differences between complex XML or JSON datasets, visual tools are very time-consuming and error-prone, while custom scripts can become challenging to develop and maintain. Our software is developed specifically to be embedded into your own products or processes so you’re left with powerful functionality that looks like what you’re used to.

Find the change that matters

DeltaXML software analyses the structure of your data and systematically reviews all of the differences. It can run a series of configurable rules to safely merge them back into a single dataset, or create an output file, marked-up with details of all the differences.

Ready to be integrated within your systems and processes

DeltaXML products can be integrated into systems and processes, or used as stand-alone tools by technical specialists. They are trusted by some of the world’s leading technology firms to help manage changes in their XML data.

Our Solutions

Dependable XML comparison

DeltaXML’s comparison solution identifies all of the relevant differences between XML datasets, no matter how large and complex the data. The results can be output as a marked-up version of the original files, or as a compact XML file with just the changes.

Unlike traditional systems, which use line-by-line comparison, DeltaXML works within the structure of the XML to identify where real differences exist. This greatly reduces the manual work that is required and minimises the risk of important changes being overlooked.

Configurable XML merging

DeltaXML’s merge solutions allow users to both manually accept or reject changes or automatically recombines multiple XML files with their common ancestor. It examines the structure of each dataset to develop a complete picture of all the changes, across all the files, no matter how large or complex.

In an automated process, it merges all of the differences back into a single, marked-up file, employing powerful custom rules to deal with the changes, including conflicts.

Dependable JSON comparison

DeltaXML’s comparison solution identifies all of the relevant differences between JSON datasets, no matter how large and complex the data. The results can be output as a marked-up version of the original files, in JSON so it’s easy for you to process.

Unlike traditional systems, which use line-by-line comparison, DeltaXML works within the structure of the JSON to identify where real differences exist. This greatly reduces the manual work that is required and minimises the risk of important changes being overlooked.

Delivering automation and scalability

If you are required to regularly reconcile differences between XML or JSON datasets, DeltaXML software can save a great deal of work by integrating directly with your systems and processes. With flexible APIs and configurable outputs, it can work in the background, processing files when required and outputting XML that can be drawn directly into databases or other systems. It works perfectly for a single user or an entire enterprise.

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“DeltaXML provided us with a straightforward way of integrating a rich document comparison feature into our SaaS platform. We spent some time researching the market and found DeltaXML was by far the best product on the market in terms of functionality and robustness.”

“DeltaXML has introduced a stable, well-tested component into our commercial environment where standardisation is critical, simultaneously building confidence for technical authors and users alike.”

“DeltaXML was the best solution we could find – by a wide margin. We found it easy to integrate. We always get quick and professional support from DeltaXML, whenever we need it.”

Start managing change in your data

XML Data Compare
XML Merge

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