From the above, we can see that the oXygen track-changes mode uses special processing instructions (PI) to indicate a text string that was added deleted or replaced, literal text within the PI is used to indicate the text string affected. Each processing instruction has a DateTime stamp (the timestamp attribute); theoretically, this could be used as a reference to associate changes with each other, but oXygen doesn’t yet (in version 14.2) support this, instead each change is regarded as a separate action. So, to accept a change to a word, you need to actually accept both the deletion of the new word and the addition of the new word – this is actually simpler than it sounds because, in the Review pane, all changes are shown chronologically sorted.
So what does this mean with regard to representing a concurrent-document merge in oXygen? We could, hypothetically, store the necessary information about concurrent changes in oXygen’s own track-changes format by exploiting the timestamp attribute. However, this doesn’t actually get us far because the authoring view won’t associate coincident changes and therefore can’t help a reviewer assess what changes conflict. (Of course using oXygen’s own built-in track-changes conflict can’t occur anyway because all changes are applied to the same document).
We’ve established now the reason why we can’t exploit oXygen’s native track-change features for a document merge, but oXygen’s plugin architecture allows for a custom solution.
The demo-plugin enhanced oXygen Authoring Tool with collated DITA document loaded
The oXygen document authoring view above illustrates the loaded DITA Merge result rendered with DeltaXML’s demo-plugin. Here, buttons are positioned immediately prior to each document change. The text associated with each change has a background color indicating the type of change, red for a deletion, green for an addition and blue for a text-change. This view indicates how the document would appear if the changes currently seleted in the plug-in were to be applied, contrasting with the approach used by the review-only web prototype where all available change-options are shown in the same view:
The review-only web prototype showing the same collated document
Back in the oXygen document view, a dropdown list, revealed when a change-button is pressed, shows the other available options for each change; the currently selected change option is highlighted with a check-mark. Also, the owner(s) of each change are shown to the left of the change text. One potential issue is that the revisions associated with each selected change are not immediately apparent, this is shown however, as soon as you hover the mouse over a change-button.
The dropdown lists show all change options and a ‘Resolve’ action
Pressing the ‘Resolve’ action-item appended to the list results in the currently selected change-option being absorbed into the document, this results in the change-button disappearing also. All the selected change-options can be resolved at once by pressing the ‘Resolve document’ item on the plugin menu.
Representing changes in the XML code
The demo-plugin exploits its own format for processing-instructions embedded in the XML text content to store change information about specific parts of the XML. This format describes how multiple change to the same text or node were made, using a ‘selected’ parameter to store the currently selected change. Selecting a new change (in author mode) from the change-options dropdown list results in this ‘selected’ parameter being updated. Also, selecting the ‘Resolve’ action for the selected change results in the change being absorbed into the XML and the associated processing instruction being removed. Thus, once all changes have been resolved, there will be no further change-associated processing instructions and we’re left with a normal DITA document.
Here, I’ve outlined how we can enhance oXygen to support concurrent authoring by using the DITA Merge product alongside a special plugin, and also that this plugin can improve effectiveness even with simple non-conflicting changes by combining an associated ‘add’ and ‘delete’ into a single ‘change’.
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