Customisable XML Comparison for Any System

XML Compare is an enterprise processing engine for identifying, merging and managing XML change. Utilise XSLT pipelines to customise every aspect of the comparison process, meeting your specific needs from data formatting to result presentation.

  • Ensure precise comparisons and analysis
  • Integrates into any existing system or workflow
  • Boost productivity by automating XML comparisons
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Customisable XML Comparison for Any System

XML Compare is an enterprise processing engine for identifying, merging and managing XML change. Utilise XSLT pipelines to customise every aspect of the comparison process, meeting your specific needs from data formatting to result presentation.

  • Ensure precise comparisons and analysis
  • Integrates into any existing system or workflow
  • Boost productivity by automating XML comparisons
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Integrate. Customise. Compare.

XML Compare offers a dependable enterprise solution tailored to identify, manage and merge changes between XML files. Utilising XSLT pipelines, tailor the comparison criteria to meet specific needs. Compatible with any system or workflow, including widely used XML editors.

Find XML differences

No matter the XML, or size of the files, XML Compare can find any and all differences between documents.

Change highlighting

Represent change by highlighting the difference. Colour additions, deletions and modifications however you like.

Ignore change

For differences you know about, or change that doesn’t matter, set up unique rules to ignore them.

SVG comparison

Change between SVG images are graphically highlighted to give you precise detail of change between original images and their updates.

Orderless comparisons

If order of information isn’t important, XML Compare can be configured to match up and compare elements no matter where they sit between files.

Compare tables

Find change right down to the table cell. With XML Compare you can find change between CALS and HTML tables quickly and easily.

Highlight MathML changes

Compare and process MathML changes between your files. Just like text, formulas can be highlighted to show you where change has occurred.

Text formatting intelligence

Specific processing ignores but preserves formatting differences. Yet if formatting change is important, XML Compare can highlight this too.

Export to multiple outputs

Find value in your change. Publish your changes to multiple outputs including PDF, HTML, your own CCMS editors and more.

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How XML Compare works

1. The XML Compare algorithms systematically process your two XML files, examining their structures and aligning all corresponding elements within them.

2. Differences in your content are pinpointed based on your specified configuration, distinguishing changes between the two files.

3. XML Compare compiles the differences it finds and writes them to an output file. This file combines your original content with new markup, giving you a detailed record of the changes.

4. Results from XML Compare are processed through an XSLT pipeline, allowing you to transform the output into any required format for your business or systems.

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Karnov Group

How Karnov Group Merged Two Legal Publishing Companies’ Incompatible Content Databases

After an acquisition by Karnov Group, XML sources were required to be compared, merged and organised. With 16,000 files to be compared and merged, and the average size of the files totalling to around 200 Kbytes, this was no easy task. That is, it wouldn’t have been an easy task without DeltaXML’s XML Compare solution.

Read the case study

Built for integration

There’s a reason why those who try to build their own XML comparison solution come back to us. Optimised for integration and accessed through Java or REST APIs, XML Compare can be integrated into any enterprise workflow or content management system. That means you to have a powerful XML comparison solution when you need it most.

With dedicated support, proven, reliable results and a team of knowledgable XML experts you’ll find no better than XML Compare.

Learn how we helped Wrycan reduce NFPA’s publishing costs and create new digital products

Senior technical specialists at Wrycan carried out detailed evaluations of the available technologies and concluded the best results and lowest project risk would be achieved by integrating XML Compare from DeltaXML.

Daniel Reed

Managing Director, Wrycan

Fully configurable to suit every need

Highlight change, publish change, create PDFs. However you need to find, process and represent XML change, XML Compare can be configured to tell you about the differences that matter to you and ignore those that don’t, including changes to attributes, the order of content, differences in whitespace, SVG images and external links. With the power of XSLT anything is possible.

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↓     Watch the configuration demo     ↓

Key benefits of using XML Compare

  • Improve efficiency and save time by automating the process of identifying differences in XML files.
  • Minimise human error, and enhance accuracy when finding change within XML files.
  • The flexibility and seamless integration of XML Compare allows teams to tailor the comparison process to their specific needs and configurations.
  • XML Compare aids compliance and quality assurance efforts by helping teams maintain data integrity and meet regulatory obligations in industries with stringent requirements.
  • Cost savings by reducing the need for manual comparison tasks and minimising the risk of errors that could result in costly rework or compliance issues.

We care about security

The implementation of DeltaXML’s software into Semcon’s existing applications enabled a quantum leap forward in terms of efficiencies and effectiveness.

David Sonden

Manager Business Development, Semcon Informatic

There might be other XML comparison tools but there’s none quite like this.

To ensure that you have the best possible experience with our product, book a demo with an XML expert and let us help you towards enhanced XML comparison and workflow efficiency.

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Keep reading

13th May 2024

A Beginner’s Guide to Comparing XML Files

With XML Compare, you receive more than just a basic comparison tool. Get started with the most intelligent XML Comparison software.

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16th February 2024

Enhanced Redline Output with Self-Hosted DITA Comparison via Integrated REST API

DITA Compare’s powerful redline output and REST API integration is trusted globally.

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16th February 2024

Mastering Complex Table Comparisons Within Your Technical Documentation

Our software excels at presenting changes in complex tables and technical content.

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Learn all about XML Compare

Frequently Asked Questions

XML Compare is an enterprise solution that identifies and manages changes between XML files. It automates the comparison process, ensuring precise analysis and integration into any workflow. With customisable features like change highlighting, orderless comparisons, and multiple output options, it saves time, minimises errors, and enhances workflow efficiency.

XML Compare works by systematically processing two XML files, examining their structures, and aligning corresponding elements within them. It then pinpoints differences based on specified configurations, compiles the identified differences, and writes them to an output file. This output file includes detailed documentation of the changes, and the results can be transformed into any required format using an XSLT pipeline.

Yes, XML Compare can seamlessly integrate into any existing workflow or system. Whether accessed through Java or REST APIs, it’s optimised for integration, allowing for easy implementation into enterprise content management systems or workflows.

Yes, XML Compare is highly customisable to meet specific comparison requirements. It offers the flexibility to tailor the comparison criteria according to your specific needs, from data formatting to result presentation, using XSLT pipelines.

XML Compare can benefit a wide range of industries and use cases, including publishing, legal, financial services, healthcare, software development, and more. Any industry or scenario that relies on XML files can benefit from XML Compare to automate the process of identifying differences, ensuring data integrity, and meeting regulatory requirements.

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